[ale] weird tgz shenanigans

Jeff Rose jojerose at mindspring.com
Thu Dec 5 17:01:38 EST 2002

	Now this doesn't make sense.  Someone please explain this.  michele has
a different gid and uid than root.  michele does not have the same
permissions as root.  If I set either/both the group or owner to
root/jeff, michele can't untar.  But of course root can.  If I set
owner/group to the user walter or jeff and extract, the files belong to
walter or jeff respectively. But when the owner/group is set to root and
untarred by root, the files are still owned by michele!  This is not the
case for all .tgz files I download.  Why do some files do this?  How can
I predict which files will do this?
	Could it be that tar wants to set the permissions as close to what they
were when tarred as possible and it just so happens Michele's is the
closest id?  This seems very strange to me.
Jeff Rose

jojerose at mindspring.com

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