[ale] interesting utilities

John Wells jb at sourceillustrated.com
Thu Dec 5 11:43:18 EST 2002

Yeah, I modified the PhpWiki code base to provide just this functionality
for my company.  It's very useful.


Joseph A Knapka said:
> Swantje Willms wrote:
>> I'd use the wiki, if I knew that people may be posting new tools
>> there. The fact that it is hard to keep up with the email is an
>> argument FOR the wiki idea, in my opinion. If it's posted on the list,
>> I will probably just have a glance and then it'll disappear into my
>> ALE mail folder, never to be looked at again. On the wiki, things will
>> be more accessible. I could go there once a week or even once a month
>> if I'm very busy and have myself a "learning new tools" session, and
>> possibly contribute one myself...
>> So to make a long story short: my hand goes up for Wiki.
>> Swantje
>> On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, John Wells wrote:
>>>I agree that wiki would work well for this sort of thing, but I'd
>>> first like to get a show of hands of how many people on the list use
>>> the wiki?  Not that it's not useful...but I have a hard enough time
>>> keeping up with email, much less surfing out daily to see if anyone's
>>> added a new tool.
> Yes, Wiki is a great idea, but email does have the advantage that
> you know when it arrives. The is at least one implementation of
> the Wiki concept that permits users to register for alert emails
> when a particular topic is updated in the Wiki; that might be a
> good solution.
> Cheers,
> -- Joe
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