[ale] Capture "devices" ?

cfowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Tue Dec 3 08:49:05 EST 2002

Stop for a moment.

Hopefully some people here have experience with this.  I'm in the
process of using Firewire DV to do my capture.  I just ordered a cable
to go from my DV Camera to PC and am not looking for software that runs
in XP that does a *good* job of capture.

That usb device is a 1.0 device.  It will only do 30fps at a low
resolution.  At higher resolutions you'll get far fewer FPS.  USB 1.0
just does not have the bandwidht the keep up with the amount of data
that comes from the VCR, TV, Camera, etc.

I want 720x480 @ 30fps resolution.  I will not settil for anything less
and USB does not offer it.  Firewire is the way to go.  USB 2.0 may do
The worst device would be USB then PCI Card, and finally IEEE 1394 DV. 
So get the IEEE if possible.  If not look at a PCI card.  Stay away from
the UWB device.  Maybe others have input but this it what I found.

I'm torn between Dazzle and Pinnacle software to do my capturing.  I'm
not looking for fancy stuff I just want good quality captures to go to
VCD and DCD.


On Tue, 2002-12-03 at 08:34, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   I'm looking to pickup a capture card/device on the way home today.
> While scouting CompUSA for parts the other day I found a cute little USB
> booger that looked like just wires going to a usb port, no "card" which
> would work very well for me as my USB ports are on the front and
> plugging in different cams, webcams, etc will be a real pain on my
> system right now.
>   It lists Win98 compatable but I'm running 2k/Debian Unstable on my
> desktop.  Has anyone seen this thing?
> (http://www.startech.com/ststore/searchframe.asp?product_desc=capture&Description=Search+Results&Topbar=true)
>   Any other suggestions that are relatively cheap?  I'd like to convert
> home movies of the kidlets to mpeg that I can send to the grandparrents
> as well as run a web cam off it.
> Robert
> :wq!
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Robert L. Harris                     | PGP Key ID: FC96D405
>       These are MY OPINIONS ALONE.  I speak for no-one else.
> FYI:
>  perl -e 'print $i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'
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