[ale] Still Wachovia Problems w/ Mozilla?

Christopher Bergeron christopher at bergeron.com
Mon Dec 2 22:12:28 EST 2002

>>I see that Wachovia has replaced all their .asp pages w/ .jsp pages and
>>servlets. In recognition of their dumping M$ technology, I plan to reward
>>them w/ my business (yeah, like it's gonna make or break them...).
Mike, _you_ alone won't make or break Wachovia by giving them business 
based on their adherence to Internet Standards, however, as a community 
_we all_ can.  These days, I vote with my wallet because it seems to be 
the only thing that companies really take notice of.  It's a lot like 
the voting issue.  Every vote _does_ count.  Companies whose values I 
agree with, I support and buy products from.  Companies that bastardize 
the industry and consumer rights (and the companies that support them 
[with .asp, etc]) don't get my [tens/hundreds/thousands of] dollars. 

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