[ale] Formatting

Kilroy, Chris Chris.Kilroy at turner.com
Thu Aug 29 13:10:26 EDT 2002

depending on what linux distro you install with, you can just fdisk the partition away or get rid of it in Disk Druid and during the install, the formatting will take care of itself.

but yah you can nuke with your trusty, dusty windows boot disk (they do have some use hehe).

now you may have to add format to your windows boot disk as well as fdisk.  these are found in c:\windows\command\

if you are installing RH, i think you can do all of this with Disk Druid and not have to worry about any extra steps using a windows boot disk.


->-----Original Message-----
->From: tom hawks [mailto:thawk80 at mindspring.com]
->Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2002 12:55 PM
->To: ale at ale.org
->Subject: [ale] Formatting
->I am going to rid myself of my windows partition. Just format c: an
->reinstall linux?
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