[ale] slackware 8.1 install bug

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Tue Aug 27 22:20:37 EDT 2002

Joseph A. Knapka wrote:
> Geoffrey wrote:
>>Joseph A. Knapka wrote:
>>>Geoffrey wrote:
>>>>Just located a bug in the 8.1 install. When installing from cdrom, it
>>>>could not locate the goods.  Turns out, the 8.1 iso has the code in a
>>>>directory named slackware.  Historically, it's been slakware, and the
>>>>install is still looking for that.
>>>Hrng?? I've done, like, ten 8.1 installs from cdrom and
>>>never had that problem. Hmm, were you upgrading and using
>>>the installer from a previous version?
>>8.1?  It's not been out that long, you've done 10 installs??
> Hell, I've done five today, trying to get fbcon enabled :-)
> I was installing from the boxed set, which includes a
> bootable install CD. That is probably why it worked
> for me. In your case, the installer (/sbin/setup) is
> on the root floppy.

Right, and there are no root floppies with the download iso.  The 
installed failed again.  It found the slakware directory I created, but 
then complained about not being able to locate the 'a' set to install.

> -- Joe
>   "I'd rather chew my leg off than maintain Java code, which
>    sucks, 'cause I have a lot of Java code to maintain and
>    the leg surgery is starting to get expensive." - Me

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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