[ale] Best Desktop Env or Distro for Windows users?

Michael Hirsch mhirsch at nubridges.com
Wed Aug 21 09:00:50 EDT 2002

On Wed, 2002-08-21 at 09:18, John Wells wrote:
> As I mentioned in a previous email, I've talked my site manager into
> exploring Linux for site-wide desktop deployment.
> As most (53 of 55) users here are strictly Windows users, I'd like hear
> some opinions on what the best desktop env./distro is for *complete*
> Linux/Unix newbies.  What's the most stable?  Easiest to use?  Most
> intuitive?

I've never used it, but I believe that Lycoris is designed to be a Linux
for Windows users. The reviews I've read say that it succeeds really
well.  (Its name was formerly Redmond Linux, which might give you an
idea of its aspirations in the Windows direction.)

I'd definitely try it for Windows people, first.


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