[ale] Gentoo Linux install question

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Sun Aug 18 15:52:52 EDT 2002

Charles Marcus wrote:
>>From: Geoffrey [mailto:esoteric at 3times25.net]
>>Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 6:05 PM
>>>Gentoo uses a lot of disk space during the install
>>>process... it sounds like you may have run out.
>>>How much free space was left on the partition where
>>/tmp resides?
>>I built a single file system, and there was still
>>plenty left, 43%
> OK - but how big is the drive itself?  Recommendations I got in response
> stretch from 1GB to 4GB, so unless its a really old drive, it should be
> ebough if its all on partition -

It's an old drive, 850meg. :(  Yet, there was plenty of space left so I 
doubt this was the problem.

> which leaves us with memory.  I'm still
> waiting ona response as to how much specific directories might need for
> installs that partition out /tmp, /usr and /var.

I'm wrestling with some memory issues on this box now.  It's got 6 
slots.  I put 2 16meg and 2 8 meg in to give me 48meg.  Bios sees it 
fine, but when I boot Tom's r/b it locks up with the message 'out of 
memory.'  Weird.  I've got a number of sticks of memory here and swapped 
verious ones in and out and get wierd results.  Like 2 sticks of 8 meg, 
the box boots fine.  4 sticks of the same memory, and the thing won't 
even get to the bios.  I'm beginning to think this box may have some 
problems with one of the two middle memory slots.  Rather then try and 
install something I'm not familiar with (gentoo) no a box that is now, 
in my mind questionable, I think I'll start fresh on another box.

>>>The thrashing may also have been due to the low
>>>memory situation (32MB being half the 'ideal'
>>>Gentoo recommends)...
>>>Hmmmm.  I looked around and didn't see any definitive
>>>answers as to how much free disk space you need before
>>>beginning an install - I'll ask on the list - usually
>>>get a fast reply...
>>Great, I guess I can add more.  I just find it hard to
>>believe they claim 486 and up, when 64 meg would be a
>>lot of memory for a 486.
> Well, yeah - but I guess they were talking strictly about potential - ie, it
> could 'potentially' be installed on a 486 box, but specified an ideal amount
> of RAM.
> The reason it needs the RAM is because it is installing from source, and has
> to compile everything - this could potentially take *days* without enough
> RAM.

Sure, and that was my intent.  I'd like to take advantage of some older 
hardware, and what better way then a custom compiled solution.  I don't 
care if the bloody thing takes a week to install.

> One thing though - if you successfully install Gentoo, at least you know
> your hardware is good, cause if there are *any* weaknesses, these heavy
> source compiles will find them.

Yeah, and that's where I think I might be with this box. :(

> Charles
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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