[ale] (OT - Way OT) Pre-emptive baseball strike

Christopher Ness mness215 at attbi.com
Sat Aug 17 23:27:34 EDT 2002

I know this is about as far off ale topic as it is possible to get, but I 
think it worthwhile and I hope you guys will join me on this one. I'm too 
nerd to be much of a baseball fan, but I find that I can support this 
position anyway.


On August 30th, a group of spoiled crybabies, who each get paid more in a 
year, for playing a kid's game, than you will earn in several lifetimes, will 
go on strike.

This is their eighth strike out of eight negotiations since 1972. Enough is 
enough. It is time that we fans went on strike. Pass this on to as many 
people as you can, not just by email, but by word-of-mouth also. We are not 
going to take this any longer. There is an oft-stated rule nicknamed "the 
Golden Rule" i.e. "the one who has the gold rules". Well, my friend, that is 
you. It is not the owner's money they are striking for. It is your money they 
want. The owners just collect it and keep a little extra for their trouble. 
And, I don't know if you have been to a game recently, but the price is 
reaching the point of absurd. The Player's Union would have us believe that 
this is the same as a $10.00/hour union worker striking for a living wage. 
But these are people telling you that $10million a year for 40 weeks of 2 1/2 
hour games that they don't even play full time is insufficient.

What we are asking you to do is very simple - skip the games on August 29th. 
Don't go, don't watch, don't listen. It will not be much of a loss to you or 
me. The season will prematurely end the next day anyway. But when the players 
look up in the stands and see that we are angry, they may rethink their 
actions. Plus you get to save the money you would have spent which is more 
significant to you that  the tens of thousands of dollars a game means to the 

It's time we let them know, enough is enough!

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