[ale] Bash command to output filenames with complete path?

Danny Cox danscox at mindspring.com
Thu Aug 15 07:29:12 EDT 2002


On Thu, 2002-08-15 at 06:52, Andrew Grimmke wrote:
> alias M1="ls -R /home/andrew/mp3/ >
> /home/andrew/temp/mp3list ; mpg123 -@
> /home/andrew/temp/mp3list -V"

	I don't think 'ls' can do it, but 'find' can.  Try:

	alias M1='find /home/andrew/mp3 | sort >/home/andrew/tmp/mp3list;
mpg123 -@/home/andrew/tmp/mp3list -V'

You don't really need to sort, since you're playing 'em randomly anyway,
but it makes the listing nicer if you wish to edit it.  You'll probably
never see the slowdown either unless you have thousands of files.

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medieval traditions of sorcery and black art.


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