[ale] [OT] More basement like stuff

Jordi S. Bunster j.bunster at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 12 15:25:54 EDT 2002

For anyone who's in the need for this kind of thing, that just doesn't
fit in the closet anymore:

Three (3) OBM PageFX grayscale parport manual sheet-feed scanners.
Drivers for Windows still available on the web, and docs say it emulates
an HP Scanjet 4L or something like that, IIRC. No idea if they work with
Linux. I could test them (on Windows) on request. US$20 for the three of
them, $7 for one. :)

One (1) ATI (As in Atronics International) Internet Access 2000, model #
IA2-10T-M00. A little machine with some form of Linux installed, Apache
and some Java applets for configuration of a mail-gateway. Has a
10-BaseT/10-Base2 on the mainboard, and one ISA slot occupied by a
serial card. Also has one led (similar to Matrix Orbital's ones, maybe
is one of those), not soldered to the board (i.e. pullable). The thing
has a couple of chips that say "Solid State Disk", and something that
appears to be an EDO ram chip with 8 megabytes. The motherboard turns on
always (as well as the LED), but the disks boot up when they feel like
doing it. On request, I could investigate about the cause/solution. No
idea on the processor arquitecture. US$ Make an offer.

One (1) Hewlett Packard Deskjet 500 printer. Untested due to lack of ink
cartridge. Powers up fine, and make the usual boot noises. A friend has
the same printer, so, if there's interest, I can get some ink and test
it. US$20

Two (2) 14 inch old monitors, both operational. One without its base.
The one without base is a fixed sync monitor, capable of 640x480 or
1024x768, no 800x600 (I was using it until I bought an used 15 inch
one). The other I dont' know, but I may test on request. US$9 each.

No price is final, so make offers if you think is just too much money.
And sorry for one more OT.

 -- Jsb

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