[ale] MX Record Questions?

Ryan Neily ryan at neily.net
Thu Aug 8 20:03:09 EDT 2002

After final inspection, you are right, it's comnig from my local server.  
(makes sense!)

Anyone know how to turn this off?

On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Joe Steele wrote:

> Sounds to me like it would be your server which is generating the 
> warnings.  After all, your server is the only one which could possibly 
> know that the mail has sat around for 4 hours without being delivered 
> to the final recipient.
> --Joe
> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ryan Neily [SMTP:ryan at neily.net]
> Sent:	Thursday, August 08, 2002 1:41 PM
> To:	ale at ale.org
> Subject:	[ale] MX Record Questions?
> I have a question about backup MX records for e-mail. I have a server that
> is a backup MX for another domain, and it is correctly receiving e-mail
> for that domain, and storing it in the /var/spool/mqueue directoy untill
> the primary MX comes back up. What I am confused about is that when people
> e-mail someone at the domain while the primary MX is down, they get an
> return e-mail from their sendmail server wth a suject "Warning: could not
> send message for past 4 hours".
> Since the e-mail has been received (by the backup MX at least) is there 
> any way to make it so that the e-mailing users sendmail server does not 
> send this e-mail out?  It's confusing for Joe Schmoe user to get these 
> e-mails, and it seems a little redundant. 
> Thanks in advance...

Ryan Neily
ryan at neily.net

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