[ale] monster.com job posting.

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Aug 8 09:30:22 EDT 2002

Jim wrote:
> I don't know about asp, but PHP gives you ways to obscure the string being 
> passed back so that you don't come up with obscenely long URL's. The tradeoff 
> is that the link wouldn't work if you passed it off to somebody else, because 
> you are relying on a session.

I don't know if this is the intent, but some web sites build these long 
strings intentionally so that it's not easy to bookmark the page.  Why? 
  Because they don't want you returning to the same page, they want 
hits, so they want you to come back and do another search.

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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