[ale] 'taskbar' / panel broke

Jerry Z. Yu z.yu at voicecom.com
Fri Aug 2 16:48:41 EDT 2002

	you need to verify whether it is a soft config thing for your 
account, or it is really a corrupted system file somewhere. Towards that 
end, you can set up a new test user, and login in as this new user. If the 
task bar shows up properly. then, you has something wrong in your own
gnome/session config. since it is a new install, it is easy to move 
yourself to this new account by renaming this account.
	panel thing is provied by gnome-core package. If it is a corrupted 
file thing based on the test above, you can reinstall the gnome-core (and 
all gnome- packages and some XFree86- xdm- gdm-) as well. 
	rpm -Uvh --force RPMs.in.question
	--force allows to overwrite the old installation of the same RPM.

 On Fri, 2 Aug 2002, Jonathan Glass wrote:

#At 04:00 PM 8/2/2002 -0400, Glen Bankston wrote:
#>When I made HD #2 from my ISO images, the first time it ran it had
#>'crash' when it came up under Gnome.  Since then, no 'taskbar' at the
#>bottom of
#>the screen.
#>I reinstalled again, no help.  I cannot format this drive because the ISO
#>are ON this HD.
#>Anyway I can force the panel/taskbar portion to reinstall?
#>On a related topic, I would like to copy those ISO images to the W98
#>machine and
#>back but samba is not working.  I have searched the web for a utility that
#>runs on
#>windows that allows reading of ext2 drives, but no luck.
#I had the same problem.  I logged out of X via CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE and 
#logged back in...and I think that fixed it. ...I think.  Been a few months...
#My $0.02.
#Jonathan Glass, RHCE, Linux+, Network+, A+, MCP
#Systems Support Specialist II
#Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience/BME
#Georgia Institute of Technology
#Voice: 404-385-0127
#E-mail: jonathan.glass at ibb.gatech.edu
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Jerry Z. Yu					+1-404-487-8544 (O)
systems engineer				z.yu at voicecom.com
is support, voicecom, llc			www.voicecom.com

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