[ale] the truth about contracting?

Geoffrey esoteric at 3times25.net
Thu Apr 25 15:26:32 EDT 2002

John Wells wrote:
> I received a call from a recruiter last night regarding a contract position
> she has with a large corporation here in Atlanta.  While I'm typically wary
> of contract work, she assured me that all the contractors she's placed there
> are always renewed...in her words "long-term" contractors.

Bullshit.  If that's the case, tell her to put it in writing.  I 
guarantee she won't.  She can't guarantee that, what if you're a slouch? 
   It's talk, don't believe it.  She doesn't have the insight into the 
company to know that you will be renewed.  What's so special about her 
that causes all her contracts to get renewed?

> Anyway, the contract is for a year, but she keeps guaranteeing it will be
> renewed.  The pay is a bit higher than what I'm making now, which makes it
> sort of attractive, but I'm not completely sold.  It was my opinion that
> contractors are typically the first to go in a layoff, but she says this
> company actually wants to keep contractors and layoff employees in that
> case...

Again, bullshit.  Companies hire contractors for short term work.  Grant 
it, it may be a year, 2 or more, but the bottom line, contractors are 

> Wanted to hear what the group thought.  What have your experiences been? 
> Have you been made these sorts of claims/promises before only to see them
> fall through?  What are the caveats of contract work?

You hear it all the time from the head hunters.  Just like any other 
contract, believe it if they it in writing and put their name on it.

> As always, thanks for the info.
> John
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Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at 3times25.net

I didn't have to buy my radio from a specific company to listen
to FM, why doesn't that apply to the Internet (anymore...)?

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