[ale] TrueType font issues

David Brooks db at stayonline.net
Thu Nov 15 17:13:36 EST 2001


I noticed this today in my messages file when I tried rehashing xfs (to
load up some TrueType fonts) under RedHat 7.2:

Nov 15 17:07:22 cerberus Font Server[980]: Re-reading config file 
Nov 15 17:07:22 cerberus Font Server[980]: ignoring font path element
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID (unreadable) 
Nov 15 17:07:22 cerberus Font Server[980]: ignoring font path element
/usr/share/fonts/ja/TrueType (unreadable) 
Nov 15 17:07:22 cerberus xfs: xfs -USR1 succeeded

...any idea what that may be?  It's not loading fonts located in those
directories for some reason.

david a. brooks
* systems administrator
* stayonline.net
* voice: .. 770/933-0600 x217
* email: .. db at stayonline.net
* :wq!

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