[ale] huh ?...cannot use modules with GPLONLY symbols....

Joe Steele joe at madewell.com
Thu Nov 1 13:14:38 EST 2001

Presuming you are using modutils-2.4.10, then "man insmod" and search 
for GPL.

Briefly, module developers can now require that symbols exported by 
their code only be used by modules with a GPL compatible license.  
Also, modules are now given the ability to declare the type of 
license they use.  

Any non-GPL module that attempts to use a GPL-restricted symbol will 
result in an unresolved symbol error from insmod.  In addition, a 
"hint" is printed:

"Note: modules without a GPL compatible license cannot use 
GPLONLY_ symbols"

>From what I see, the kernel presently does not have any modules with 

GPL-restricted symbols, so that unresolved symbol errors are not 
likely to be GPL related.  Nonetheless, the hint is still printed if 
the module does not declare itself GPL.

I suspect that there may still be kernel modules which have not yet 
been correctly flagged as GPL, so that unresolved symbol errors 
generate the hint even though it's unrelated to the real problem.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Courtney Thomas [SMTP:ccthomas at flash.net]
Sent:	Wednesday, October 31, 2001 6:51 PM
To:	ale at ale.org
Subject:	[ale] huh ?...cannot use modules with GPLONLY symbols....

Good Evening !

I am all of a sudden getting messages that I can't use certain modules
because they use GPLONLY symbols unless a GPL license is available. I
have been using these modules previously without complaint.

What's going on and what can be done to resolve this ?



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