[ale] Java on RH 7.1

Jason Lynn jason_lynn_ at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 27 10:34:17 EDT 2001

If it's not a RH7.1 issue, I would suggest playing around with your 
CLASSPATH setting a little.  In particular, export 

>From: Pete Hardie <pete.hardie at dvsg.sciatl.com>
>To: ale at ale.org
>Subject: [ale] Java on RH 7.1
>Date: Wed, 27 Jun 2001 09:48:46 -0400
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>Hello all,
>I've run into a small problem trying to compile java code on my RH 7.1
>box.  I have the installed java system and can find javac, but my efforts
>to compile code all seem to fail w/r/t setting CLASSPATH - I set it in
>the environment, and on the javac command line, but the compiles all
>fail with an error trying to find other classes that the initial one
>is dependent on.  Any help would be appreciated.
>Also, I do know about the java-linux list - I'm hoping this is just
>a setup issue for RH 7.1
>Pete Hardie                   |   Goalie, DVSG Dart Team
>Scientific Atlanta            |
>Digital Video Services Group  |
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