[ale] Computer Society - Atlanta Chapter

Eric Z. Ayers eric.ayers at mindspring.com
Tue Jul 31 22:22:43 EDT 2001

Meeting Announcement - Atlanta Chapter, IEEE
Computer Society

Date: Thursday, August 2, 2001
Time: Refreshments (Pizza, Sodas) 7:00 pm
       Presentation                7:30 pm
       Corporate Values Room
       BellSouth Center
       675 West Peachtree Street and North Avenue
       Free ($3 contribution to pizza fund
How to RSVP:
Send an email message to either
          esr at cc.gatech.edu
          khewanl at emory.edu
Or call either 770-279-2020 or 404-686-2926
For more info, please visit

TITLE: Artificial Intelligence: The Re-emergence of Intelligent
SPEAKER: Norman D. Geddes, Ph.D.
                   CEO and CTO
                   Applied Systems Intelligence, Inc.
          10882 Crabapple Road, Suite 2
          Roswell, GA 30075
          ngeddes at asinc.com

ABSTRACT: The recent release of several popular motion pictures
dealing with robotics and artificial intelligence has re-awakened
interest in the possibility of computer-based intelligence.  Although
the commercial uses of artificial intelligence programming faded
from the public view in the late 1980's, the effort to create computer
intelligence did not stop.  Now, many software applications based
on computer intelligence are quietly working away in both the
government and commercial sectors.  Often called software agents
or intelligent agents, the successes of these applications are
generating renewed commercial enthusiasm.

This presentation will briefly review the history of AI, the main
philosophies underlying work in the field and the practical issues
surrounding implementation of intelligent systems.  Particular
emphasis will be placed on the creation of large-scale, distributed,
collaborative systems made of hundreds to thousands of
cooperating agents and humans.  These large intelligent societies
may provide an important approach to the problems of global
information architectures.

Norman D. Geddes, Ph.D., CEO and CTO, Applied Systems
Intelligence, Inc. Norman D. Geddes received his B.A. degree in
Physics from Rice University (1971), an M.S. in Aeronautical
Systems from the University of West Florida (1972), and his Ph.D.
in Systems Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology
(1989), with a major in man-machine systems and minor in artificial
intelligence.  He is also a graduate of U.S. Navy pilot training, an
experienced tactical jet fighter pilot, and has served as an
Aeronautical Engineering Duty Officer in the Naval Air Reserves.

As Chief Technology Officer of Applied Systems Intelligence, Inc.
since 1990, Dr. Geddes has provided research and development
support to a number of defense, NASA and commercial artificial
intelligence applications in the aerospace and transportation
industries.  His activities include systems engineering for large
scale intelligent systems, knowledge acquisition and engineering,
test and evaluation, and cognitive modeling and simulation of
human operators.

Dr. Geddes has played a key role in the development and
application of intelligent user interfaces based on artificial
intelligence principles. First as lead systems engineer for the
intelligent interface and later as technical project manager for the
Lockheed/USAF/DARPA Pilot's Associate Program, Dr. Geddes
guided the development of aiding methods and knowledge
representations for a comprehensive decision support environment
for tactical operations. His pioneering work in modeling human
operator intentions and in information management has been used
successfully in a wide variety of defense and commercial research

Prior to his work in intelligent decision aiding, Dr. Geddes was
director of system development for GEC Marconi Avionics, Inc.  He
is also experienced in the development of manned and unmanned
system simulations, having worked at General Electric in the
development of training simulations.  As a Fighter pilot in the Navy,
Dr. Geddes served tours as a jet flight instructor and as a project
test pilot.

Dr. Geddes professional interests include tactical air and sea
operations, intelligent decision support systems, system
simulation, artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction.
His professional society memberships include the IEEE Computer
Society, ACM SIGART and SIGCHI and the AIAA.

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[------Business Card-------------]
    Karlene Hewan-Lowe
    Secretary ATL Chapter
    Department of Pathology
    Emory Healthcare
    550 Peachtree St. N.E.
    Atlanta, GA 30308-2225
    Phone: 404-686-2926
    Fax:   404-686-4978
    Email: khewanl at emory.edu
[------End Business Card---------]

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