[ale] upgrading the kernel

Timothy Ball timball at tux.org
Thu Jul 12 17:30:02 EDT 2001

On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 05:27:07PM -0400, Ken Nagorski wrote:
> 	I am on a potato box. I am wondering what all I need to upgrade
> for the 2.4.x kernels. I don't use any modules so I don't need modutils. I
> know I need binutils but I am not sure if I need glibc upgraded. I am
> finding different advice on the web. Some have these huge lists others
> just a few things...

less /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Changes 

that lists all the packages and versions you need, and it tells you how
to figure out what versions of those pkgs you currently have...


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