[ale] Are our Ethernet drivers in danger?

Darin Lang darin at doolang.com
Tue Jul 3 23:26:27 EDT 2001

on 7/3/01 9:36 PM, Robert Heaven at robertheaven at mediaone.net wrote:

> The only exception to this rule is when the government contracts with a
> private company for the development or production of a product where that
> private company produces the writing/invention. In this case, even though we
> pay for the "work for hire", the private company is allowed to
> copyright/patent the works.

This is actually the course taken in most any University, the research the
institutions, the equipment is mainly paid for by the Government, but
through greed research is crippled by private companies who are allowed to
take the helm and the profits and the product. The only winner here is the
private company. The research scientist gets bullied into secrecy, the most
difficult and unproductive way for research to proceed. His discoveries are
only celebrated as his in closed scientific circles and actual credit is
usurped by the private company bringing it to market. GPL protects that by
restricting software access to the public domain so that no one can hoard
and monopolize it. The next step is the Free Patent Foundation and the GNU
Patent License which puts technology in a free environment where no one can
monopolize it and credit goes where credit is due and all are free to
develop, market and alter the idea.

Darin Lang

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