[ale] RE: linux certification

Pilar Losada LosadaP at wanadoo.es
Sun Dec 23 14:06:49 EST 2001


Thanks for answering so quickly. The problem I have with studying is
distance. I am in Spain. I guess you are in Atlanta. I will take you advice.
I will get the upgrade.  How long have you been working with Linux?

 The Linux + cert is brand new. I have been looking for books, and the best
books on the subject have not yet been published!! I am looking for
something that is Vendor Neutral.

 Linux has not caught on here in Spain like it has in other parts of Europe.
I want to be the first kid on my block with the Linux +. Sooner or later
people here will catch on.

Feliz Navidad.

----- Original Message -----
From: ChangingLINKS.com <ChangingLINKS.com at bigfoot.com>
To: ale at ale.org
To: Pilar Losada <LosadaP at wanadoo.es>
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2001 8:01 PM
Subject: linux certification

> The first thing you probably want to do is install Redhat 7.2. I have used
> 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 and I can definately say that the later is the best. If
> are going for that cert, you would probably get it on 7.2 (although it is
> possible to still get it on 5.0)
> YOu can get 7.2 by downloading it from the Internet (like I did) or I
> let you use my copy, if you have some way of copying it. By the way, I
> be interested in studying with you for the Linux Cert. Let me know if you
> interested in any  of this.
> --
> Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
> Drew
> http://www.ChangingLINKS.com

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