[ale] Vacation Program

Fernando Barros fernando at officer.com.br
Thu Dec 20 13:59:34 EST 2001

Hi there.
I´m trying to use the vacation program but 
getting the log files i notice something very strange.
First in my sendmail log, i have no 
But in my .vacation.log i get this 
"Could not create a mail connection; check syslog 
for details".
So I´ve got the vacation binary file e see where 
is the problem.... 
($mailer= new Net::SMTP($<SPAN 
class=variable-name>senderMailer))  {				# 
confirm our a mailer    syslog(<SPAN 
class=string>'err', "Could not create a mailer: 
$@");    return (<SPAN 
class=string>"Could not create a mail connection; check syslog for 
details");  }
So, i notice my vacation program coudn´t create a 
mailer? How can i fix it?


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