[ale] Power Meter (Was: Re: [ale] About that firewall machine [Was]Re: [ale] unidentified processes)

jeff hubbs hbbs at mediaone.net
Wed Dec 19 11:04:50 EST 2001

Geoffrey wrote:

> John Wells wrote:
>>I'm interested in power consumption as well.  I've
>>finally got my laptop router working well, but I
>>really hate to leave it on 'round the clock if I'm
>>throwing money out the window.
>>I'm assuming Radio Shack would be the place to find a
>>meter like this?
> Yeah, but I've not seen a cheap amp meter.  Standard vom meters you can
> get for $10 at radio shack don't usually handle large currents ac
> currents.  I've not priced them in a while, but last time I checked,
> they run > $100.

Clamp-on ammeters are not going to get you what you need, especially 
since you would have to separate one conductor somewhere to put the 
sensor around.

I have worked with a power meter before; it was a box, about 7"x7", with 
a few buttons and an LED display on the front.  It had some outlets on 
the front and on the back and a power cord.  Call an electrician's 
supply place and ask.  The other thing I'd do is look at Fluke's Web 
site and see if they have anything that will measure power directly.  It 
should be be some kind of RMS meter that accounts for power factor and 
will give you a reading in VA.

- Jeff

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