[ale] IP Calculations

Matt Shade mshade at threekay.com
Sat Dec 15 01:37:12 EST 2001

> Hmm? == 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000100b.

Oops, I missed a place  ;(

> > 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110010
> > incorrect, since all the numbers to the right of the last contiguous 1
> > not a zero
> Well, I've actually seen at least one network subnetted
> that way. I just don't know if it was "correct" or
> not, but it -did- work. Very confusing to add new
> hosts, though. I have no idea what the net admin guy
> was thinking.

Maybe you can do that...I was always taught it was wrong. Maybe it's
"technically" possible, but you "shouldn't" do it?



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