[ale] OT: Letter to AT&T Broadband re Channel Removal
James P. Kinney III
jkinney at localnetsolutions.com
Thu Dec 13 13:38:46 EST 2001
The thing that has me burned the most is the requirement for special
equipmwet to watch TV. I HAVE A TV SET!! So the channel that replaced
Sci-Fi is the travel channel. The travel channels old spot is now ...
wait for it ...
(drum roll please)
empty. That's right. Nothing but static.
%&#$ Filthy, !(@!&@$ $@%#& Scumbags! If my 11 year old daughter
weren't so completely hooked on Xeena (and 3 Stooges on AMC) I'd toss
them. As of about an hour ago, they have no plans on what "fabulous"
channel is going to replace the now empty, travel channel slot.
And before I forget the latest propaganda! I get a snail-mail trying to
entice me to get the digital package. Their argument? It was "less
expensive". The pulled my current monthly bill, added the full taxes,
tacked on a "device fee" (I dn't have, nor pay for one) and compared
that to the pre-tax, no extra set-top boxes price for the digital.
On Thu, 2001-12-13 at 13:20, Geoffrey wrote:
> "Glenn C. Lasher Jr." wrote:
> >
> > I mentioned recently that I had gotten Dish Network.
> My biggest problem with any of the 'wireless' services is that, as I
> understand it you need multiple devices for multiple TVs. I've heard of
> one that will support two, but still, by the time I get the proper
> hardware in place, I'd probably spend $500. 3 TVs on the 2nd floor, 1 on
> the first and two in the basement. That's 6 connections, so I would
> guess that would translate to at least 3 devices, or more.
> Feel free to enlighten me...
> --
> Until later: Geoffrey esoteric at denali.atlnet.com
> "...the system (Microsoft passport) carries significant risks to users
> that
> are not made adequately clear in the technical documentation available."
> - David P. Kormann and Aviel D. Rubin, AT&T Labs - Research
> - http://www.avirubin.com/passport.html
> ---
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James P. Kinney III \Changing the mobile computing world/
President and COO \ one Linux user /
Local Net Solutions,LLC \ at a time. /
770-493-8244 \.___________________________./
GPG ID: 829C6CA7 James P. Kinney III (M.S. Physics)
<jkinney at localnetsolutions.com>
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