[ale] A missing USB clue needed

Thompson Freeman tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Fri Dec 7 23:56:51 EST 2001

With the help of this list, I got the APC Back-UPS working (and the kind
authors of the apcupsd) listening to the USB hub. I then decided to do
something apparently rash - update the kernel.

Some of the needed background: RH7.1 stock install. Using the RH kernel
rpms & the needed update rpms  to allow the new kernel to install, I'm now
running kernel 2.4.9-12 from RH. I can boot the machine, but the USB
subsystem doesn't install anymore. Which causes the apcupsd process to
fail initialization.

I've run mkinitrd, lilo, both suggested by the RH kernel upgrade
HOW-TO. The boot process still isn't right.

Does anybody happen to have a clue that I'm missing? I'll be happy to
share the config files if desired, as I'm not noticing anything wrong with

Thanks to one and all.

The harder I work, the luckier I get.
                    Lee Iacocca
Thompson Freeman          tfreeman at intel.digichem.net

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