[ale] OT: Looking for good theme for network names

Rod Young development at combiz.net
Thu Sep 28 09:07:27 EDT 2000

Interesting excercise. Just off the top of my head, greek letters, greek heroes,&
Native american tribes. Infact any naming scheme that navy has used for a given
class of ship should give inspiration.

Chuck Mattern wrote:

> This is just a little off topic here because I'm looking for a good naming
> scheme for a network comprised largely of Linux machines.  I'm hoping to find
> something out of literature but not too heavy (I remember the story of the
> four laser printers of the apocalypse).  Currently I have a hodge-podge and am
> in the process of a major clean up so it seems an apt time to re-address and
> rename the machines.  Any suggestions would be welcome.
> Regards,
> Chuck
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |Chuck Mattern           | "That which does not kill us, makes us stronger."|
> |cmattern at mediaone.net   | -Friedrich Nietzsche-                            |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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