[ale] OT: Silicon Valley cost of living?

Jim Popovitch jimpop at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 11:40:12 EST 2000

I have to concur with Bob.  I have been there several times in the last
year, and each time I left convincing myself that it would be a mistake
to move.  Sure there are some spectacular views, and yes Wine Country
is within reach.  BUT, unless you can pull down a salary around $200K,
your quality of life (and I don't even know you) is better in Atlanta. 
Have you explored 'telecomuting' to the Bay Area and only physically
visiting a few times a year.  I know several (~25) people who do this
for a few companies located in SFO.  Basically they just go there for
big meetings/parties.

-Jim P.

--- Bob's ALE Mail <transam at cavu.com> wrote:
> > NOTE: if you're in the Bay area / Silicon Valley region, or have
> lived
> > there in the past three years, and have also recently lived in the
> Atlanta
> > metro area, this is esp. for you ...
> I've lived there in the past, have friends who were talked into
> relocating
> there from Atlanta this year, and I've been there twice this year on
> business.
> Even a 50% increase in salary will not pay for the obscene increase
> in
> cost of living.  Traffic is far worse than here (really).  People are
> unfriendly.  Drivers are BLEEP.  The ocean is far too cold to swim
> in.
> (All that Beach Boys stuff was LA.)
> The ratio of men to women is something like 3:1 or 8:1 so if you're a
> single guy forget about dating.
> My friends who moved there (who were not single) hate it and want to
> move back to Atlanta.
> If I haven't dissuaded you, insist that your prospective company fly
> you out there for a look.
> Bob Toxen
> bob at cavu.com
> transam at cavu.com                       [Bob's ALE Bulk email]
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