[ale] academic study of PC operating systems

Mark BennettDoy mark.bennettdoy at zoom.co.uk
Wed Jun 14 15:17:10 EDT 2000

This is for real!!
Hello ALE,
    I am a first year student with a 
major UK university and I would be grateful if someone could help me, As part of 
an assessment I have to examine the role of the operating system within the 
microcomputer, and compare the ways that the differing O/S operate. Obviusly I 
will have to cover the "other" major system but as I do not have any experience 
with linux I would appreciate some basic information such as it's history,the 
way its interface differs from Windows and anyother information you may feel is 
important(doesn't need to be to technical(please)).
Thanx for your time
ps yours was the first site pulled up via Yahoo in 
the UK

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