Asus P5AB (was:[ale] rescue disk?)

Stephen Lastinger steve at
Fri Jul 28 13:54:14 EDT 2000


     At first I wasn't going to reply to this comment as it is obviously
*flamebait/troll material* and secondly, it sounds pretty damn religious
(see jargon file entry for "holy war").

     However, there are a lot of new users who use ale as a resource and
so I feel it necessary to let them get some legit info and make up their
own minds.

     The Asus P5AB is a socket 7 MB capable of handling up to documented
450-475 Mhz processors.  The Multiplier, buss speed, etc. is jumper set
so it makes a wonderful board to do some over clocking with.

     The board itself has 2 ISA slots, 3 PCI slots, and 1 AGP (although
I'm not sure of the max AGP speed I'm quite certain it can handle AGP2

     There are 3 sdram slots and the board is capable of handling up to
768 Meg. of memory.
The standard front buss speed is 100Mhz although it can be set higher
(once again making it quite attractive to overclockers).

     It ships standard with an Award bios (I'm not sure of the version
4.something er other) 

     As far as the hard drive issue (IDE that is), I've never put
anything over 8 Gig. on one, but due to the fairly "newness" of it, I
would think it would be capable of it, of course this is the only area
about it I'm not certain about.

     Over all it's a fantastic MB (why, yes.....I have 2 ; )   and only
runs about 89$ brand spanking new.

...and just to throw in another $.02, personally I'd never put something
as obnoxious as a 60G IDE HD into a machine. Even if it was running at
7200 RPM, eventual access time on it could become a machine performance
issue (even with 4 primary partitions - the linux max), and
professionally... if setting up that much data storage capacity for a
client, I'd use scsi drives (making the point rather moot in the first
place, and span the data across a RAID array with at a bare min. of 3
drives (around 20G capacity).  But, like I said....that's my $.02


John wrote:
> The P5AB is the WORST motherboard ever made.. I have one and absolutely hate
> it.
> John
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