[ale] RedHat and its mirrors

Glenn Stone taliesin at babcom.com
Wed Sep 29 09:39:10 EDT 1999

> 	Anyone know what's going on with the RedHat sites?(updates.redhat.com,
> ftp.redhat.com)  I have been trying to ftp to these sites for three days and
> there have been too many users logged in.....even at 3:00am in the morning.
> I think RedHat is having some serious growth issues. I can't even get into
> many of the mirror sites(ftp.alpha1.net).  Sorry about the venting but this
> is irritating.  Maybe RedHat should have a subscription program similar to
> some other un-named corporation.  Anyway, I apologize for the vent......

If you're big enough/have enough bandwidth, you can arrange to mirror off
them.  They have separate machines for this sort of thing.... 

Probably part of the additional bandwidth is due to their being off the air
after Floyd; I don't know how low-water Durham is with respect to what's
being flooded out, but it may be getting slammed again even as we speak;
there are some parts of NC that are expecting an *additional* 6" of rain 
over the next day or two.  And you KNOW how much electronics like moisture. 

Poor blighters.  At least the idiots in Redmond get it all the time and are
used to dealing with it.... 

(and to think I'm headed in that general direction :)  

-- Glenn

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