[ale] PCI Sound Blaster Card

Vernard Martin vernard at cc.gatech.edu
Wed Sep 8 11:25:45 EDT 1999

> It is really hard to convince ppl to stay with Linux expecially when they
> dont have sound or modem( they have winmodems - its a HP Pavilion ).
> How do I get the modems to work. Does it mean that I have to recompile the
> kernel.

Winmodems will absolutely not work under linux at the moment. You need special
drivers which haven't been written. There are rumors that a componay has
released a a winmodem with linux drivers but I have yet to be able to confirm

As fas as the sound cards go, most of the more esoteric sound cards are not
supported in the standard linux driver. I recommend buying the software package
from 4 front technolgoies. check it out at http://www.4front-tech.com/
Its $20 for the base driver and an additional $10 for some of the more modern
and fancy cards.

Darkness has a hunger that's insatiable   Vernard Martin (vernard at cc.gatech.edu)
Lightness has a call that's hard to hear  http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~vernard/
---Come to the Atlanta Linux Showcase Oct. 12-16 http://www.linuxshowcase.org---

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