[ale] LOCAL: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts Sept. Meeting

Eric Z. Ayers eric at compgen.com
Tue Sep 7 08:20:57 EDT 1999

Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - September meeting notice  

               Join your fellow Linux enthusiasts for
                     our regular monthly meeting!
                         Thursday 9 September, 1999
                                7:00 PM				 
                   Georgia Tech College of Computing		 
                              Room 16 or 17				 
 			     THIS MONTH:

                BeOS Demonstration and Q/A session

   BeOS is a commercial alternative operating system to Microsoft
  Windows, featuring TCP/IP networking, a multi processing kernel,
  boot time of 20 seconds, 64bit journaling filesystem,UNIX/POSIX
   compatibility, and a focus on graphics and multimedia support.
         Check out their web site at  http://www.be.com/ 

             Don't forget the Atlanta Linux Showcase           
                October 12-16 at the Cobb Galeria
            For more info on the group, visit the ALE web page:
        For Directions to the Georgia Tech College of Computing:

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