[ale] Debian Rescue Disk isn't rescuing

sara yurman syurman at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 6 08:30:11 EDT 1999

I'm trying to install Debian on an IBM Thinkpad 755CD before I get on a
12:30PM flight today.  It will not allow a change in boot order to boot
from the CD, so I'm trying to install the base from floppies.  The boot
order is definitely going to the floppy first, but something isn't
working right.

When I put the rescue floppy in the drive, it checks the memory then
quits with a "Non-System disk or disk error \ Replace and press any key
when ready".  

I'm using the same rescue disk that I used successfully on a Winbook XP
last week, and rewrote the disk image just to be sure.

Any thoughts?


Sara W. Yurman
Spatial Focus, Inc.

email: syurman at spatialfocus.com
voice: (404) 378-0989
fax:   (209) 254-9531

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