[ale] RH kernel upgrades (was 'Re: miscellaneous questions')

Thu Sep 2 10:48:23 EDT 1999

I have been working on this issue as well. I think the problem is that when
you "RPM" in the new kernel you have to build coresponding modules and rerun
LILO. If you do get a chance to screw up your system by doing an "rpm -ivh
kernel-xxxxxx" you can just "rpm -Uv" it then "rpm -ivh" the old package.


> Ben Phillips wrote:
> > * I'm new to Red Hat.  When I installed new kernel source using an RPM,
> > screwed up somehow.  I infer this from the fact that kernel compiles
> > now -- and for that matter, so does an ssh compile (!).  How would you
> > about trying to fix what happened without messing up rpm's business?
> I'm trying to deal with this kernel compiling business myself - no success
> yet.
> There's a text file that winds up in /usr/src/linux/Documentation after
> untarring called Changes and it goes over all the OTHER things that must
be at
> a particular rev level for compiling to work.  I gave up and decided I
> try to recompile my orig kernel and wrestle with that later.

BTW, I ended up just slapping in a good old .tar.gz kernel distrib.  Is this
bad under RH?  If so, why?

                      __   _                 "If pro is opposite of con, 
Ben Phillips         /  '_' )         ,,,    then what is the opposite of
pynk at cc.gatech.edu   |  | ()|||||||||[:::)   progress?  Congress!"
                     \__.-._)         '''     -- men's restroom, House of
		                              Representatives, Washington

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