[ale] apache secure server

No One mainwizard at vei.net
Mon Oct 25 18:22:26 EDT 1999

Restore from tape. You DO have tape backups of a production server, do you not?

"Brian K. Murphy" wrote:

> OK, I did the dumb bunny move.  I tried to install RH Secure server (ver
> 2.0) on a RH 5.2 system.  I DIDN'T stop the old web server before running
> the install routine (just read the README.TXT and not the book).  Well, it
> half installed it seems.  The old (httpd) web server is running, but under
> etc/rc.d/init.d there is a httpsd file and not a httpd file.  So, I can't
> stop it.  The ps -aux shows the httpd processes still running.  Now, I can't
> do beans with it.  It is a production server, so I don't want to re-install
> anything if at all possible.  Any suggestions??
> Keith Murphy

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