[ale] distributed.net's rc5des client slow under anything but root.

Keith Morris keith at brickhouse-editorial.com
Mon Oct 18 20:05:42 EDT 1999

I am running distributed.net's rc5des client and having a little 
problem.  When I run the program when logged in as root, it calculates 
about 20% faster than the Windows client in windows, but if I run it as 
anything but root, it calculates at about 10% of its rate when run as 
root.  Any insights on this?

also, I am very new to linux, and would like to run this as what I would 
call a "service" in NT.  i.e. have it run at system startup even before 
anyone logs on and run in the background all the time.  Is there any way to 
do this in linux.  I am using Mandrake 6.0 if that makes any difference.


Keith Morris
Senior Graphic Designer
Brick House Editorial
Atlanta, Georgia

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