[ale] Why eth0 delayed?

Stephan Uphoff ups at tree.com
Thu Nov 11 23:06:21 EST 1999

Did you upgrade your pcmcia package ?

/etc/pcmcia/network start eth0

is called when pcmcia detects a Ethernet card.
(And it is the first ethernet card)

If you upgraded try to replace the new network script with
the old network script (Probably saved as network.O) or roll your

Good luck


> On this IBM ThinkPad i1512 at boot time, I see something like this go by:
> Starting eth0...
> Delaying starting eth0      [FAILED]
> After booting, I am able to start eth0 via usernet or ifup.  In
> control-panel, I have set up eth0 to activate at boot time.  How can I get
> eth0 to start properly when I boot?  Might it have something to do with the
> sequence of events w.r.t. when PCMCIA services start?  If it turns out that
> PCMCIA services are trying to start AFTER eth0, how can I change the order?
> - Jeff

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