[ale] VPN's

Gary Maltzen maltzen at mm.com
Wed May 26 09:21:42 EDT 1999

I should think that the additional CPU time to de/compress would be
substantially smaller than the time to transmit the additional bytes (unless
you've got a gigabit connection). Same rules should apply here as using
v.42bis - works best for ordinary text, worst for uncompressable (ZIP,
encrypted, etc.) files.

Darn! the 'EscapeChar' really did sound like a head-thunker, too!

-----Original Message-----
 From: Steve Tynor <tynor at outside.atlanta.twr.com>

Gary Maltzen wrote:

| Assuming you can so configure the underlying ssh session...
| Did you try with compression both enabled and disabled?
|        Compression
|               Specifies whether to use compression. The  argument
|               must be "yes" or "no".

No, we've only tried uncompressed -- I'd expect compression to only make
things worse (introducing delay due to the compression algorithm's need
to package up strings 'o bytes).

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