[ale] Module Dependencies

Michael B Golden naugrim at juno.com
Mon Jul 26 15:41:13 EDT 1999

On Mon, 26 Jul 1999 15:31:22 -0400 Cor van Dijk
<cor.angela at mindspring.com> writes:
>Downloading and installing may not be enough!  You also have to
>*configure* the kernel. The following procedure always worked for me 
>in all kinds of Linuxes, including RedHat5.2, and should work here
unless RedHat6.0 >is differemt:

I have RedHat5.2.
None of that should be needed. I did not download the source. i
downloaded the binary rpm from RedHat6.0 from ftp.cdrom.com.

>9. Adjust your lilo file if the name and/or location of the image are 
>different from the previous.
>Oh! and do not forget '/sbin/lilo'. All of the above can probably be 
>found in "linux for idiots" and therefore I assume
>that your problem is different and you need a guru.

The lilo stuff is unneeded too, I do not use lilo. I use a bootdisk
because of the 1024 cylinder limit.

Michael Golden
Naugrim at Juno.com (Normal, no attachments)
MGolden at Airapps.com (Only for messages with attachments.)
RedHat 5.2 (2.0.36) Linux user -- Linux Advocate

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