[ale] Module Dependencies

Cor van Dijk cor.angela at mindspring.com
Mon Jul 26 15:31:22 EDT 1999

Michael B Golden wrote:

>         I have downloaded the 2.2.5 kernel RPM from RedHat6.0 and
> installed it, but now it won't automatically load my modules anymore.
> Currently I just have to have a script load them all, but it is quite
> annoying as it doesn't automatically mount my dos file system at boot for
> example. During the kernel boot, it shows messages about it can't find
> module dependency information for <insert module name here>. I don't have
> the exact error message as I couldn't find which log had it. The modules
> dependency file is still in /lib/modules/2.2.5-15 though, so I don't know
> what is wrong with it. Lately sndconfig has been reporting a blank error
> message from modprobe which I think may be related to this. Anyone know?

Downloading and installing may not be enough!  You also have to
*configure* the kernel. The following procedure always worked for me in all kinds of Linuxes,
including RedHat5.2, and should work here unless RedHat6.0 is differemt:
1. go inside /usr/src/linux
2. 'make menuconfig'
    among many other things: specify your modules and filesystems
3. 'make clean'
4. 'make zImage' (could be 'make bzImage' in Redhat6.0)
5. 'make modules'
6. 'make modules_install'
7. 'make zdisk' (if you want a bootfloppy with a raw kernel)
8. copy your configured kernel from /usr/src/linux-x.x.xx/arch/i386/boot to your boot partition
9. Adjust your lilo file if the name and/or location of the image are different from the previous.
Oh! and do not forget '/sbin/lilo'. All of the above can probably be found in "linux for idiots" and therefore I assume
that your problem is different and you need a guru.

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