[ale] BottleRocket

Jim Kinney jkinney at teller.physics.emory.edu
Wed Jul 21 15:33:06 EDT 1999

The intended use for mine is to power cycle the ADSL modem when Bellsouth
fouls up the DHCP lease renewel, this will tickle a script to release the
dhcp address/lease combo to flush the IO buffers on the nic, powerup the
ADSL modem, restart networking for the nic, double check that samba is
supporting my wife's pc and run the dynamic dns script to update
penguinpowered.com ! 

When it works, I'll be posting it.

James Kinney M.S.Physics		jkinney at teller.physics.emory.edu
Educational Technology Specialist	404-727-4734
Department of Physics Emory University	http://teller.physics.emory.edu

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