[ale] Linux Compile Error

Wandered Inn esoteric at denali.atlnet.com
Tue Jan 26 12:47:03 EST 1999

bwentdg at pipeline.com wrote:
> I just downloaded sever shareware packages.
> In each of them the instructions say to 1st do an "imake" the a "make".
> The problem is that when I do the "imake" I get the same error on each
> package.
> The error is
>        " Imakefile.c:13 Imake.tmpl No such file or directory"

If I recall correctly, this means that your imake package was either not
installed properly or it's become corrupted.  I believe that the
Imake.tmpl file is a template file that tells imake what your system
looks like.  You might need to reinstall imake.

> I've reloaded the packages several times and they look ok.
> I've read the man page but I'm still kind of clueless.....
> Are the packages corrupt ? Or is there a bit'o magic I'm missing ?
> THX in Advance for Any Help Or Pointers

Until later: Geoffrey		esoteric at denali.atlnet.com

You mean you paid MONEY for Service Pack '98????

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