[ale] (fwd) Call for Papers

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Thu Jan 14 10:29:28 EST 1999

If any of you have written anything for Linux, here's your chance to get
published, win fame and fortune, etc.

I don't know anything about these people, other than that they sent it to
the SLLUG (the LUG here in Salt Lake, and another finely named one, I must
say), so don't blame me if it's a scam or something ;-).


Chris Ricker                                            kaboom at gatech.edu
                                               chris.ricker at m.cc.utah.edu

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Call for Papers:

My company is publishing a new Linux technical journal focusing on
Integration and Administration.  We invite members of the Linux community to
submit papers worthy of publication.  If your submission is accepted for
publication, it will be edited for length, content, and format.  The author
will be paid for any paper that is published, either on our web-site or in
journal form.

Please send papers electronically to phale at burgoyne.com, or,  if you wish,
mail submissions to

Linux Integration and Administration
799 W 1150 S
Payson, Utah, USA

-- end of forwarded message --

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