[ale] A Better FTP?

Michael D. Ivey ivey at realminfo.com
Wed Jan 6 09:57:24 EST 1999

On Wed, Jan 06, 1999 at 09:19:19AM -0500, jeff_hubbs at mcgraw-hill.com wrote:
> Can anyone point me to a good Linux FTP utility - one that recurses and can
> get through firewalls and proxy servers?  I've tried ncftp 2.4.3 but it
> seems that it doesn't support recursion.  What would be great is a Linux
> version of WS_FTP - I've tried running the Windows version with wine, but I
> got disastrous results.

$ man ncftp
Formatting page, please wait...

       The  last,  and  most wasteful feature of get is recursive
       mode, which is turned on with the ``-R'' flag.  This  fea-
       ture  lets  you  download  an entire directory's contents,

            get -R /pub/info/help

       That creates a directory called ``./help'' in the  current
       local  directory,  and copies all files and subdirectories
       into it.

       Please use some discretion with this feature.  If you  get
       a  large  directory,  you could really bog down the remote
       host.  Archive administrators are providing a public  ser-
       vice, so don't abuse the archive so much that they have to
       shut down public access because the  real  users  of  that
       archive can't get their work done.

michael d. ivey: director of emerging technology (http://realminfo.com/~ivey/)
Non meddle negli affari dei wizards, dato che sono sottili e rapidi fare 

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