[ale] Graphical Login

Chris Ricker kaboom at gatech.edu
Thu Feb 4 01:44:42 EST 1999

On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Michael B Golden wrote:

> 	I have read that xdm can allow graphical login, but I tried it,
> and I don't like it. I have also heard that KDE has something similar
> called kdm. I haven't tried that one yet, so I don't know what it is
> like. I was wondering if there is anything more similar to the login box
> of Win9X that I can use. I just like the look, not necessarily the rest
> of the OS or the insecurity associated with Win9X login. Any ideas?

Login.app might be what you're looking for.  Check out



Chris Ricker                                            kaboom at gatech.edu
                                               chris.ricker at m.cc.utah.edu

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