[ale] Kernel explore & explain pages

Michael Hirsch hirsch at mathcs.emory.edu
Wed Aug 18 15:56:46 EDT 1999

>Has anyone been able to see these pages yet? My connection keeps timing out.

Yes, it's working for me, now.  Not very speedy, but it comes up
fine.  Nice work.  And thanks, Joe


-----Original Message-----
 From: Patrick Ramsey [mailto:Ramsey_Patrick at promina.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 10:24 AM
To: ale at ale.org; jknapka at charter.net
Subject: Re: [ale] Kernel explore & explain pages

That resolves to  and I can not get to it... (DNs or straight


>>> Joe Knapka <jknapka at charter.net> 08/18/99 09:21AM >>>
The Linux Kernel "explore & explain" pages are
now available. Please have a look and add some

The URL is


For the moment, I am hosting them on my own
server. This is just a stopgap measure,
though, since the machine is quite old and
under-powered. If bandwidth becomes a problem
they will need to move to a more capable server.

-- Joe Knapka
* "I was abducted by aliens who replaced my brain with a
* tomato. What's YOUR excuse?" - Anon


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