[ale] Comp Compile

jj at spiderentertainment.com jj at spiderentertainment.com
Fri Aug 13 16:08:36 EDT 1999

I have a small problem, I have a busy server, and I need to recompile
the Kernel, once compiled the size was 755K, so I used zImage, the size
was still 755, then I used bzImage, still 755k, any ideas ? I inculde
the last few lines of output from the compiler, any help as always is
greatly appriciated.

All the options that have modules I selected as modules. I tried it with
many different config types, also I selected only the drivers that are
neccessary!. Am I doing something wrong ?
After compile the only file that is there is vmlinux, is even being
compressed ?

rc/linux-2.0.36/arch/i386/lib/lib.a -o vmlinux
nm vmlinux | grep -v '\(compiled\)\|\(\.o$\)\|\( a \)' | sort >
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/arch/i386/boot'
make[2]: Entering directory
tmppiggy=/tmp/$$piggy; \
rm -f $tmppiggy $tmppiggy.gz $tmppiggy.lnk; \
if hash encaps 2> /dev/null; then \
  objdump -k -q  -o 0x100000 /usr/src/linux-2.0.36/vmlinux > $tmppiggy;
else \
  objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment -R .stab -R .stabstr
/usr/src/linux-2.0.36/vmlinux $tmppiggy; \
fi; \
gzip -f -9 < $tmppiggy > $tmppiggy.gz; \
if hash encaps 2> /dev/null; then \
  encaps --target elf32-i386 piggy.o $tmppiggy.gz input_data input_len;
else \
  echo "SECTIONS { .data : { input_len = .; LONG(input_data_end -
input_data) input_data = .; *(.data) input_data_end = .; }}" >
$tmppiggy.lnk; \
  ld -m elf_i386 -m elf_i386 -r -o piggy.o -b binary $tmppiggy.gz -b
elf32-i386 -T $tmppiggy.lnk; \
fi; \
rm -f $tmppiggy $tmppiggy.gz $tmppiggy.lnk
ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 0x1000 -e startup_32  -o vmlinux head.o misc.o
make[2]: Leaving directory
if hash encaps 2> /dev/null; then \
  objdump -k -q  -o 0x1000 compressed/vmlinux > compressed/vmlinux.out;
else \
  objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment -R .stab -R .stabstr
compressed/vmlinux compressed/vmlinux.out; \
tools/build bootsect setup compressed/vmlinux.out CURRENT > zImage
Root device is (8, 1)
Boot sector 512 bytes.
Setup is 4408 bytes.
System is 343 kB

Thank you

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