[ale] Disabling screen saver "Corner" feature of XFee86 ?

Stephan Uphoff ups at tree.com
Mon Aug 2 15:08:55 EDT 1999

How can I disable the behavior of XFree86 to engage the screensaver
when the mouse is in a corner ?

I am trying to revive and old thinkpad and its pointer seems
to jump into a corner for a blink - engaging the screen saver for a brief
period of time.
The result is an annoying flickering. 

I can get rid of the problem by disabling the screensaver
(xset s off) but would like to be able to blank the screen
when the machine is idle (to save battery)
( I can make it more annoying by setting "xset s noblank)

Disk space is limited so kde or gnome graphical tools won't work for me.

I am running redhat 6.0.



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